On a trip to the grass valley area of California this past summer our family visited an historic covered bridge. though the bridge was interesting and the day was beautiful, the most interesting part of the day was when I ran across an old marriage certificate for the couple who were responsible for building the bridge.
This simple and once common place document screams to us how far we have fallen as a culture in terms of
- Our fidelity to the God who has been so good to us
- Our connections to the institutions that enabled us to flourish as a stable republic
- Our ability to credibly talk about constitutional interpretation
See for yourself. I have provided close ups of some extremely illustrative portions of this document.
- Given the contemporary popularity of deconstructing gender and its cousin marriage, I find it interesting that this certificate pictures both a man and a woman.
- Notice also that there is a picture with three hands touching, the newly married couple, and the hand of God providing his superintendence.
- Isn't it interesting that the solemnity and permanentness of this covenant (not contract) is made official in the warning "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
- Don't miss as well the verse quoted from Genesis 2:18 where we find the first marriage and the very basis of marriage recorded in God's word as well as here on a California Marriage certificate.
- Toward the middle of the certificate you will see conspicuously placed on the document the foundation of authority by which this marriage and its certification are made legitimate. First and foremost it is by the ordinance of God.
- Additionally you should not that this is dated in its relationship to the year of the LORD Christ Jesus' advent.
- Also Notice the covenental "OUR" used. It was recognized that there was a shared cultural-religious heritage and commitment of the citizens of California.
- In this last section of the document down at the bottom you should see what ultimately should put an end to contemporary attempts to advocate pluralism in law and government in our state and country. It is not the toothless god of pluralism that is referenced here. It is the God of the Bible who tells us that "Marriage is honorable in all" Hebrews 13:4
- This certificate was written in 1868, only 100 years before the sexual revolution which publically undermined the very foundations of American culture, law, and government.
If anything is obvious from this document it is how clearly American culture is founded on the Christian worldview and Christian Morays. Any person who tries to tell us that our American or Californian constitution prevents Christianity from taking an active role in the affairs of our government has a whole pedigree of documents such as this one to contend with.
It is patently ludicrous to think that we moderns today interpret our constitutions correctly with regard to the relationship of church and state when we contend that the Bible has no place in the halls of public discourse. Tell that to the men who were living in 1868 who were in closer proximity to the intent of the constitutional framers in both time and culture than we are.